Master Your People Skills with Vanessa Van Edwards

Presented by Creative Live

Be The Most Memorable Person In The Room.

This is a course that will guide you on how to inspire, influence and engage people in a 30-day online programme. Led by Vanessa Van Edwards, published Penguin author, Huffington Post columnist, behavioural investigator, founder of, researcher and public speaker, trust that you will be led by a woman who has the skills, know-how and experience to transform lives, giving you the tools and confidence you need to boost your emotional and social intelligence.  

Vanessa believes that if you want to succeed in business, life, and love you need to master the science of interpersonal intelligence: you need to Master Your People Skills. This course promises to show you how to communicate effectively with partners, clients, and colleagues so you can flourish in all aspects of your life. Learning these communication methods and relationship-building strategies, will in turn transform your interactions. You will learn how to increase your likability, deal with difficult people, be a master conversationalist, and quickly identify personality types. You’ll also develop techniques for overcoming awkward interactions, avoiding toxic people, and building rewarding relationships. Not only will Vanessa show you how to be proud of your in-person interactions, but you will also learn how to communicate more effectively online — via email, text, and social media.

By signing up to this course, you will receive 45-60 minute comprehensive lessons, activities, and challenges to assess and improve your people skills, every day, for 30 days

This will be divided into the following segments:

  • By the end of week one you will be able to command respect and supercharge your first impression.
  • By the end of week two you will know exactly how to win more deals and attract more clients.
  • By the end of week three you will have learned the art of speed-reading people.
  • By the end of week four you will have mastered your presence, in order to be more persuasive, likeable and influential.

Courses are a great way to take charge of your life and channel your energy into a new, positive, direction under your own terms. With lifetime access to these motivational videos, you can watch them anywhere and at anytime, be it on your phone on your commute in the morning or when winding down before bedtime. You can pick and choose when you watch them, and still have an interactive and informative experience.