Jim Carrey Tells How It Is: The Need For Acceptance Will Make You Invisible

The effect you have on others is the most valuable currency there is.
— Jim Carrey

If you need some motivation to kick start your day, listen to this right now!

I am here to plant a seed today, a seed that will inspire you to move forward in life with enthusiastic hearts and a clear sense of wholeness. Now fear is going to be a player in your life, but you get to decide how much… many of us choose our path out of our fear disguised as practicality.

Published by YouTube account After Skool, this clip takes a voice recording from Jim Carrey's Commencement Address at the 2014 Maharishi University of Management Graduation. Famed for his energetic performances, actor, comedian, impressionist, screenwriter, and producer, turns his hand to motivating, and wow this is an impressive inspirational speech. 

Daring to ask the universe for what you want, taking a chance on doing what you love, and living out your talents, Jim Carey wants you to risk being seen and keep opening those doors in your life. 


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Life does NOT happen to you, it happens FOR you. Many things in life are outside of our control, but the way we respond to events can shape our reality. Viewing challenges as opportunities, not misfortunes, will help you lead a productive, successful life.